Sunday, August 20, 2006

Summer Wind

hello, friends,

well, the summer is certainly winding down here in volanskyland. despite the fact that i've been essentially off since may 21, i still feel as though i need a bit more vacation before we call it a summer.

let us recap, shall we?

terrific fun was had by all during summer advising at washington college in the middle of june -- lots of nervous freshman, born (sit down, please) in 1988. take a brief moment to think about the fact that this year's incoming class of freshman was born in 1988 and then bang your head against the wall. just flash back to ANY image you might have had from 1988 and you'll know what i am talking about. in the next couple of weeks, check out this link: for a bit more information about these kids.

there was the dixelman lovefest in minneapolis -- may longevity and the gifts that were given be a part of every day of your wedded lives.

playpenn brought a slew of new friends and new plays -- let's give a shout out to mister paul and mister fran for helping us all get through it. and, again, for those of you who know and love lucy and aashlesha, please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

ATHE was the subject of the last post, but remember how much we love those chicago gals. to the guys, well, sorry that i missed you, but girltime was certainly needed by one and all. and miz laura, gosh, i miss you. sometime soon on the east coast, okey-dokey.

then there was the AWESOME vacation with mister chris to treasure lake in the untapped alleghany mountains. i think surviving a vacation together certainly gives us some props, huh? and a special shout-out to the kings who came up to join us. how much do we LOVE eating pie for breakfast?

in between all of this was quality time with bethie, the boys, the brit and his cute girl, jess and the pattis. i do wish that there was some more d.p. time, but there is still a breath of summer left.

and last night's adventure with theresa, jo, sheila, linda and billy was a FEAST of fun. if you've not been to a melting pot, save up your pennies and go to one. here' s a link: and make sure you use the mouthwash.

finally, to those of you in chestertownvilleburgheights-upon-avon, lock up your children. i'll be back soon.




Anonymous said...

See Shelly, I do read your blog!
Thanks for the shout out and it was a fun time, mouthwash and all!
Give my regards to Billy when you see him next, I got enough of him just sitting there.
Be well -

Anonymous said...

OK, so I'm a bit behind in reading your blog thus the delayed response to this particular post but I must comment on one little item...Incoming freshmen were born in 1988?!! I started working for PTC in 1988. HELP!