Monday, September 11, 2006


hello, friends,

here we are, september 11, 2006. did anyone, on that day, think that we would be here now?

as i sat down at my computer this morning, here in chestertownvilleburgheightsuponavon-shire, and lovely wendy's house, i flicked on CNN, as i always do. the scroll along the bottom was listing the names of the nearly 3,000 who were killed on that day five years ago.

coincidentally (that's not the right word, i know...), they were on last names that began with a "k," and i sat quietly waiting for danielle kousoulis' name to appear. she was the little sister of one of my dear friends from elementary and high school, and one of my own sister's friends. while faith and i had certainly lost touch since high school and college, five years ago, all of our history came flashing back to me.

there's a great article in the city paper, written by another alum of haddon township, that sort of captures what we all -- those of us from a little town in the new jersey suburbs -- might be feeling today. there are also thoughts from peter kousoulis, danielle's sister. it's a good read:

i also think of my old friend julie, with whom i shared that day. we sat on my couch in philly in stunned silence.

september 11 changed so many things, and there are, i believe losses that are less tangible that those that are obvious -- i think there were losses of marriages, of friendship as well. i know that i experienced some of that.

and so, on this day, let's remember to be kind to one another -- we need each other.



Anonymous said...

I always read this article by Dave Barry every Sep 11th. Just thought I'd share.

Monkeepants McGee said...


Don't know if you saw Keith Olbermann's remarks on Sept. 11th, but it's about time someone said it.

I posted it on my blog. Check it out if you have a chance. Sharing is caring.