Sunday, October 08, 2006

america's newest sweethearts...

hello, friends,

is it mattolansky?

is it michechris?

brad and angelina may have a better word combo, but look at the joy, the love, the adoration.

the picture is worth a thousand words...

this is to prove to those folks who believe that i only schmooze with republicans... (see for further details)

on a more personal front, thanks to all involved for a terrific weekend. though i was an OLD WOMAN for most of it, i did have a dandy time. and for the record, at trader joe's today (, i bagged my own groceries, thank you very much. and mr. walsh's hair was most assuredly in place.

and for those of you who are so inclined, please go see the fabulous pete pryor as michal in the wilma's production of martin mcdonagh's wonderful story, THE PILLOWMAN. here's a way to check it out:

finally, go eagles. it got a little tense there, but thank god for leto. whoa whoa whoa. you know the words. and you want to sing along...




Anonymous said...

Hi, I was looking over your blog and found EXACTLY what I was looking for! I can't believe it! I'm always looking for ways to lose money.
I don't want to make any extra cash "secret shopping", because "secret shopping" sounds dirty to me. And making money while having fun probably means you were doing something Evil and Wrong.
Were you? Hmmmmmm?


Kate said...

Oh, so I guess the key is I have to quit my job and go start having reckless fun, and then I'll make money? The world suddenly makes sense. Spambots are idiots. Larry, on the other hand, is pretty smart.
