Sunday, August 20, 2006

summer wind, part 2

hello, friends,

i wanted to alert you all to the fact that i'll be on the radio on tuesday, august 22nd at 11AM EDT.

the link is here:

you can stream it via real audio, itunes or windows media player or you can download it onto itunes (also downloadable for free) for later listening again and again.

you can also call in and harass me.

i'll be talking about the relationship between artist and audience with marty and philadelphia critic cooper robb.

essentially gassing on.

listen to me make a fool of myself for a WHOLE HOUR!

one can only hope that the 7-second delay will be in effect and that michael powell will be in crawford with the rest of the crew...




Anonymous said...

Well, how did it go???
(I really only want to know if you got "bleeped"!!!)
Hope you held your own - Sheila

Kate said...

The fact that I can get a podcast full of Volansky makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

You have the most mellifluous voice!:)