Sunday, January 21, 2007

the party is over

hello, friends,
interesting conversation going on in the "comments" section of my blog. i totally agree with jon the neocon, who observes that all wars are fought with young men. however, i'm not convinced that this particular president is taking a stand so much as he is unwilling to listen to ANY other options. there has to be other ways of dealing with the insurgency, the civil war and the number of military (both ours and iraq's) casualties and the ever-increasing civilian deaths. it just hurts and i feel completely helpless.
a couple of things to note:
i went to my favorite NYC watering hole on thursday --

where i had the great pleasure of seeing many, many fantastic new yorkers. not enough time, as always, but the mere taste left me wanting more. i'll be back to see the stoppard piece ( in april. look for another outing then.

i suppose the big news is that the semester starts tomorrow morning. classes in american drama since 1992, dramaturgy and the junior seminar should make for a lively semester.

i am quite ready to return to work. while the reviews for DEX AND JULIE are good ( and i certainly had a grand time doing it, my brain is a tad mushy. nothing keeps one sharper than a pile of 20-something deeply suspicious of what you are saying.

off to bed now, in anticipation of a gym trip in the morning. anyone want to take bets to see if i actually go?

and finally, a question from a great dinner party with the boys, buster and dp: can you tell who is a creamy peanut butter eater versus a crunchy peanut butter eater? discuss.

see you at the state of the union.



Macho Man Randy Savage said...

I can't particularly tell who eats which type of peanut butter, but I do want to make it known that I am a staunch creamy peanut butter man myself. Could you tell?

Kate said...

I am all about creamy peanut butter. Sugary, creamy, skippy peanut butter. There is no better. Scott thinks I'm crazy, but I say he's scottish and therefore does not understand peanut butter like an american does.

Organic, crunchy peanut butter is one of the only organic things the man will touch. For a person who loves sugar, he sure is adamant about not having sugar in his peanut butter. At least this proves both types of peanut butter can exist in harmony in a kitchen cabinet. If only the world worked that way...