Wednesday, July 27, 2005

here's where i stand...

hello new friends. i began this blog on the suggestion of michael, who asked for some email updates during my time in japan. i thought that was a swell idea, so here we are.

i am also curious as to how many and what kind of people will actually be interested in anything i have to say. i wonder, too, if this blog will reveal any insights into the larger context of the world. we'll just have to see, eh?

as far as the "news" goes, play penn (hey, visit this website: for more information) is going along spendidly. "my" two playwrights, jt rogers (jt: if you send me the reviews of the andre gregory-loving play, i'll post them) and jordan harrison (jordan: send me the link to your journal) are just really superb, with two provocative plays. i'll just say that between them, i'm in the middle of "gendercide." come see the plays to find out what that means.

i head to japan on sunday morning (with two days in san fran at . lots to think about and do before i go, but i was able, this evening, after watching "the daily show" (, articulate some goals for the trip:

1)walk in nature, hike moutains with hot tubs on top
2)experience buddhism
3)bond with rob

in the meantime, i hope you all will be able to hold to your schedule as i have. wake up, make griggs coffee (they deliver! 707 Claire RdMontoursville, PA 17754-1011 (570) 368-8924), do a little reading on the websites* featured on the sidebar and ponder another day on this earth.

(*if you'd like to feature YOUR site for review, do send me a link)

please visit often, tell your friends. let's start a revolution together.


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