Tuesday, October 03, 2006

moving along

hello, friends,

sitting here at chez miller watching a wee bit of my hero, jon stewart. his guest this evening is dennis miller, a fellow that i really once truly loved (almost as much as stewart himself), but i've been a tad perplexed since he went to the dark side. i don't understand why he is now a "regular contributor to fox news." is it me, or is it upsetting?

he is still referencing himself into oblivion, which is funny.

i am wondering what the heck is going on with the page system down there in DC -- i did suggest to some friends that they should dress up as mark foley and his lad friend for halloween. feel free, anyone, to use it.

i am really knee-deep in work, people, which explains my sporadic postings. on the docket is a reading of bruce graham's new play (see http://www.ardentheatre.org/2007/dexandjulie.html for details) later this month, a workshop of MY NAME IS ASHER LEV and, oh yeah, my dissertation. if anyone cares to share stories about ken tynan or frank rich, i am open to suggestions. the topic: theater critics turned cultural observers. i am ENTHRALLED with my topic and am willing to engage anyone in a conversation.

i've said a sad farewell to the divine miss jess and have started a serious grown-up cleaning of 2210. if anyone has an extra twin or double bed just rotting away in their basement, i'd love to take it off of your hands. and then invite you over to sleep in it!

i am missing a lot of people these days, what with all of the work -- you know who you are. but i think of each and every one of you before i go to bed at night and hope to see you all again soon. come down for a visit!

a special shout-out to brother rob, out there in japan.

THIS JUST IN: the persian and the polack arrive on our eastern seaboard on or around october 23rd! stay tuned for details on where and when to shower them with kisses.

fight the good fight.



Kate said...

I miss my regular dose of Volansky.

Macho Man Randy Savage said...

Hey there...just letting you know I'm still around. As I said before, I'm sadly just too lazy to update both my blogspot AND my LiveJournal, so in case you want to keep posted, I'm at http://fishymcb.livejournal.com. Oh, and if you're free Saturday, I have an Antony and Cleopatra doubleheader in Baltimore - I'm shameless, you know.